Creative exercises are a great way to keep your writing brain sharp and to prepare you for a day of writing. Here are 12 creative exercises you can try. Use one whenever you need a creative boost!
- Pick an item in your office and describe as if you hate the object. Then describe it as if you love the object.
- Write newspaper headlines for the events that happened in your life the day before-make them as interesting as possible.
- Describe a character’s room in such a way that it reveals their personality and perhaps their hopes and dreams.
- Write out the story of a dream you’ve recently had. If you can’t remember all the details, then make them up.
- Describe a favorite food dish in such detail that the person reading it salivates over it.
- Write in detail about your dream home.
- Choose a decision one of the characters in your current book has made and ask “Why?” For every answer, ask “Why?” again, until you’ve ran out of why’s.
- Think of snatches of conversations you’ve heard recently between strangers (such as at the grocery store, in the library, walking down the street), and write the story behind the conversation.
- Write a story from your past in as dramatic a way as possible.
- Write a short, well-known fairy tale from the perspective a secondary character.
- List your top fears, then write a scene where one of your characters has to confront one of those fears.
- Look at old photographs on the Internet and write the story behind the photograph.
Originally published at on February 4, 2020.